
Mice Running Amok? What You Should Do


Mice seem to serve a purpose in cartoons, but unless the mice in your home are making you clothing, you need to get rid of them. Mice can bring other pests with them, and they can also bring disease. If you have mice in your home, you need to get rid of them and prevent them from ever returning. If you see one mouse in your house, you may have even more than that.

25 September 2020

Why It's Important To Hire A Pest Control Company With A Fast Response Time


If you have found that you have pests in your home, you might be thinking about hiring a pest control company. You should not hire just any pest control company, however. Instead, you should look for a pest control company that has a fast response time. It's important to hire a company that makes an effort to respond to and help its customers quickly for the reasons below. Feel More in Control

17 September 2020

You Can Get Rid Of Moles


Moles are a common pest that can infiltrate your home and yard. They eat insects and claw up your delicious garden plants. They also damage trees, shrubbery, and other items in your front and back yard. Want to get rid of moles? This is what you need to know before you get started on pest control in your yard. What Exactly Are Moles? Moles are a form of shrew, and they are quite small.

4 September 2020

Reasons To Install An Automated Mosquito Misting System


Most homeowners enjoy having a beautiful and comfortable outdoor living space that is an extension of their indoor living space, but no one wants to have to deal with mosquitoes. Mosquito bites are itchy and uncomfortable, but mosquitos can also be a hazard since they can transmit a number of diseases. If you live in an area with a lot of mosquitoes, you most likely want to find a solution so you can enjoy spending time in your backyard without having to worry about mosquitoes.

21 August 2020

3 Reasons Why Termite Control Services Are Important


No homeowner wants to deal with termites, but they are a very hearty pest and they will cause damage to a home if it is not protected. When it comes to dealing with termites, there are no effective DIY methods or products that homeowners can use. If you want to protect your home from termites, it is important to hire a reputable pest control company to perform termite control services. Pest control companies use the best products and methods available to keep termites away from your house.

11 August 2020

Spiders Seem To Be Overrunning Your Home? How To Get Rid Of Them


Nobody wants to live in the house that is overrunning with spiders. That is just about everyone's worst nightmare, but here you are, living the nightmare each and every day. If you're seeing these eight-legged nightmares crawling out of nowhere all over your house, you may very well have a problem. Some of these spiders may be perfectly harmless, eating away at the insects you may have in your home as well (which may be a different pest problem you have), but some can be poisonous.

28 July 2020

Dealing With Pavement Ants: A Homeowner's Guide


Their name tells you right away what they are: pavement ant. These are the tiny ants you see creating nests in the cracks in your sidewalk. They crawl over sidewalks and driveways, and sometimes you see them carrying pieces of "food" twice as large as their tiny bodies. Are they the worst pest to find in or around your home? No — it's definitely better to have pavement ants than termites or murder hornets!

16 July 2020

Heat It Up! Why Heat Is The Ultimate Bed Bug Treatment


Bed bugs are quite a nuisance. Who wants to be bitten while they are sleeping at night? Unfortunately, once these little guys decide to make your house their home, they are some really tough tenants to evict. You can have your house sprayed, sprinkle diatomaceous earth everywhere, and in many cases, you'll still be waking up with bed bug bites. That's when you need to bring out the heavy-hitting tactic: heat.

9 July 2020

Tips To Pest-Proof Your Crawl Space


If you hear strange noises coming from your crawl space, chances are a small pest, such as a mouse or squirrel, has made their way inside. Unfortunately, the minor annoyance can turn into a major problem when the pests in your crawl space start causing damage, keeping your awake at night, or even dying and creating a horrible smell. Here are a few simple ways you can keep your crawl space pest-free.

18 June 2020

Why Should You Have Your Bed Bug Problem Treated Professionally?


A bed bug infestation is more common than perhaps you'd realize: as many asone in five Americans has either had this type of infestation in their home or they have associated with a person who has. A bed bug problem is something that requires bed bug services by a trained professional in order to remove the problem entirely. Here are reasons why you should always have your bed bug issues treated by a pest control specialist.

3 June 2020